Self-Care for Valentine's Day: "I feel loved when I do what I love"
Valentine's Day is coming up, which is undeniably a capitalist scam of a holiday. (Sorry, that was a bummer). But guess what. I cannot wait for February 14th.
It's near impossible to judge yourself for wanting to ride. The pleasure factor is just too obvious. We long for the feeling of freedom, being alive, capable and energized. In the best moments, you are in love. Loving your experience, coasting down the highway and only able to focus on what you see, hear and feel.
"My first experience on a motorcycle was as a passenger and even as one, I felt the instant connection to the world again which I lost from depression. The breeze against my face reminding me that I’m alive. The sharp turns getting my adrenaline pumping." - Angel Lilac
It's not just a matter of making more space for love in your life, it's also the experience of life loving you back. How could we trivialize that?
But sometimes we do. We have mixed emotions around love depending on the package it comes in, like the pressures, costs and nuances of Valentine's Day. However you choose to celebrate (or not), just be reminded that you deserve love. You deserve to experience more love, pleasure, and joy. Whatever that looks like.
But here are some self-love ideas for the motorcycle-inclined:
Relax into a bath, especially if you tend to get sore after riding. Take the time after dinner to clean your bathroom well, and then fill the tub with a generous helping of the basics: Epsom Salt, baking soda and canned coconut milk (seriously). As the water's running, grab anything you might need so you can relax, but don't spend the time on your phone or tending to a task. You may want some music, candles, crystals, essential oils, flowers, loose leaf tea, honey or a CBD bath bomb.
Ride out to star gaze. Check the weather forecast and choose a day that's likely to have clear skies. Night of, just make sure to pack your blanket, warm clothes and a thermos full of your favorite drink. And maybe download one of those constellation finding apps, too.

Take an online Yin Yoga yoga class to connect with your body. Yin Yoga is relaxing, restorative and perfect for people who don't stretch often. It's also a really good way to take a time-out and listen to your body while someone else handles the activity. You can even follow a YouTube flow.
Read Wind Therapy for more from Angel Lilac, and other self-love blogs to learn more about what self-care means to you. Learning how to show and provide love for yourself becomes easier over time as you simply explore the subject.
Use a hair mask to make up for all the time spent wearing a helmet. You can buy or DIY a scalp detox mask for build up or opt for something that nourishes split ends and dryness.
If you've been thinking about therapy, take the time to research more into your needs and available practitioners. This could look like signing up for online therapy at TalkSpace or BetterHelp, researching different kinds of therapy or initiating a consultation with a few therapists in your area.
Teach your kid (or a younger person) how to ride. If helping others or spending quality time lights you up, you might want to extend an invitation. Let this be fun and effortless though, because the experience always trumps an end goal.
Buy some protective and calming crystals if you deal with anxiety or to place somewhere safe in the storage attached to your bike. Look for pieces like Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Ocean Jasper or Angelite.
Have a motorcycling photoshoot so you can look back on the memories later on, down the road. Get with a friend or your MC and take the time to immortalize you, your bike and your story.
Plan that next trip today instead of putting it off. If you need some help, use this itinerary builder to get the basics down, but the most important part is deciding you're going to do it and just starting.
Celebrate where you are in your motorcycling journey and how much you've grown by writing it all down. Take true inventory of just how much you've learned and progressed since you got on a bike for the very first time. Maybe jot down your skills and knowledge, your favorite experiences, day dreams you have or what you love most about riding. Take it a step further by highlighting what has been most rewarding and what you want more of.
Just hit the road, and take yourself on an impromptu ride. You might pack a snack, a book and a blanket depending on the weather and time of day, as well.
Do a foot soak with clay, salts, ginger and essential oils. Use a scrub and a moisturizer after for some added TLC, then kick your heels up and watch your favorite movie or show.
Take a time out if you're feeling drained and your body needs a break. If doing anything at all sounds tiring, maybe it's time to do absolutely nothing. Pick a day or block a few hours out for yourself where your only goal is to do as little as possible. Reading a book, just resting your eyes, cuddling a pet or ordering dinner might just fit the bill.
Do something you think you're not capable of. Ultimately, whether you're capable or not carries no weight if you just do it. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is taking a leap we aren't sure we're ready to make.
"I feel loved when I do what I love"
♡ Happy (early) Valentine's! ♡
How are you celebrating valentines this year? In what ways is motorcycling therapeutic for you? Let us know by contacting