Level Up Your Motorcycling Game Based on Your Horoscope

Pulling from The Astro Twins' 2021 Horoscope Guide, we've come up with strategies for every sign to level up their motorcycling game in 2021 according to the stars. Read for your sun, moon and rising signs! 

Transitioning Into The New Year

The events of 2020 give reason enough to say that 2021 will be a year of taking it one day at a time and of long-term vision. We touched on this in the last blog if you'd like to read about balancing everyday actions with bigger, life habits. But ultimately, the two go hand in hand. Our daily behaviors form the greater habits of our life.

Many of us said 2020 would be our year, since it ends with the promising "0" of a new decade. But in numerology and everyday life, zero often relates to purification, death or preparation. We were forced to tend to the debris, swept and stored under the rug. 2021 now offers an opportunity to choose awareness, rather than be blind sided by a lack of it again. It is a great year to build a practice, especially for preventive care and wellness. See how this applies to your motorcycling sign below!



March 20 - April 19

Support the activity that supports you by focusing on the basics this year, dear Aries. It's time to pay attention to your posture on and off the bike. You might consider a posture brace, but even placing pillows under your knees when you sleep at night will help relieve pressure from your lower back. Invest in a new, well cushioned bike seat, and if you carry a backpack, take some of the weight off by fastening storage bags to your bike. Consider an online yoga class once a week, a gentle morning flow, or foam rollers for stretching regularly at home.

Aries will be extra keen on a good challenge and adventure this year, so think about installing a GoPro camera to document your ride or download an app that will track how many miles you travel in 2021!


April 19 - May 20

Taurus, your task this year is to take care of your body with the right gear and habits. Do a review of your current gear arsenal, especially your helmet, and replace anything too worn or damaged to do the job right. This may be the year that you join an MC, riding competition or train for a personal riding goal, like taking a ride and hike every other weekend or playing around with burnouts, just don't chance injury.

You'll enjoy motorcycling the most when you're with others. You might consider an accountability partner for your riding goals or take trips with a friend, following Covid related safety precautions of course. 


May 20 - June 21

It's time to push yourself out of your comfort zone, Gemini! Think, motorcycle bucket list. Whatever your biking norms are, challenge them. What would make motorcycling more fun? What do you want to be able to do that you haven't done before? Jot down some places to go or miles to travel that would surpass your typical ride while you're at it. Proving to yourself that you can will be an emotional reward on its own, but the extra time outdoors will also be a kind of therapy. Reclaim your me time and your power! 


June 21 - July 22

Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, suggests that writers paint and musicians try pottery. Why? Sometimes we need to just have fun. So Cancer, bring life back to your motorcycling habits by engaging in different body movement that is fun and free-flowing. You might start dancing when you clean your home, enroll in virtual Zumba classes, or even yin yoga for a gentle, peace making routine. You'll have more passion for biking by trying something new.

Oh, and Cancer, please drink more water. 


July 23 - August 22

Leo, you have two objectives when motorcycling this year: make it an absolute priority that you 1. get the sleep and nutrition you need to motorcycle as much as you'd like to, and 2. balance your social life with your motorcycling me-time. There's no way around the self care, but you can attain more balance between personal time and bonding by merging the two into one event. Take the bike out for date nights and grocery commutes, for example. You may even suggest a Moto-themed movie during a Netflix party. You could have your cake and eat it too, if anyone could!


August 23 - September 22

Ready, set, GOALS! Virgo's would be wise to set a motorcycling goal for 2021 and dedicate the time each month, week, or day to meet it. You can certainly reach the heights you're striving for, be it a certain number of miles a month, five new states traveled, or winning a competition, but what's better than the victory is enjoying the consistent practice that gets you there. So goal up, Virgo, and amp up your joy factor by achieving your goals one ride at a time.  


September 23 - October 22

Align your emotions and your values with your motorcycling practice, Libra. Motorcycling might just become your safe space this year. Riding will likely be one of the best times to connect with yourself, your desires and your needs. So make it pleasurable. Relax into your commutes and your trips, taking extra appreciation when cleaning your gear, noticing the wind, and resting easy after a long trip.

You'll also feel more environmentally inclined this year. Level up your motorcycling game by paying attention to the materials that make your products, and you may even choose to shop locally, from small and family owned businesses, or from brands that manufacture in your country. If you really want a game changer, you might buy or pre-order one of the many, new electric motorcycles being released in 2021, or just take one for a spin. 


October 23 - November 21

Scorpio, we want you to read Angel Lilac's blog Wind Therapy. If anyone could use some stress relief and intentional body movement this year, it'll be you. And that's a good thing! 2021 is your opportunity to really incorporate mental wellness into your everyday life.

What would serve you best MOTO-wise? Leisure. Nurture the slow and small moments with more peaceful rides, by cleaning your gear and bike regularly, and letting motorcycling help you practice breathing deeply, drinking water often, and eating foods that help you feel energized and awake. Hot tip: if you commute often, start packing lunches and storing them on the back of your bike!


November 22 - December 21

Meditate, meditate, mediate. Taking your motorcycle out will hit two birds with one stone as you clear your mind and ideally, take some scenic breaks to just feel your feelings. You can level up your motorcycling game by motorcycling more. If it's what you love and it helps you feel healthy, happy and clear minded, then it deserves to be prioritized. Audit your schedule to find ways you can ride more often, even by taking the long way home just to enjoy the sunset. 


December 22 - January 19

You need way more rest than you're going yourself, Capricorn. You'll be safer and happier on the road with sufficient yoga, sleep and just doing-nothing time at home. This could be the easiest lifestyle change for more fun on the road! 

Wherever you store your bike, revamp it. You're proud of your bike, so store it fashionably. Want to really rev up your motorcycle game this year? Adorn your bike with custom decals or LED, color changing lights.

Is there a way your ride could be more beautiful, too? Opt for the scenic routes this year, and if you do take longer rides, try to plan around the nature you want to ride through. You might gear up just for a grocery run just to buy a bouquet of flowers for your room or to drop off at a loved ones door, cuz why not!


January 20 - February 18

It will serve you well to find balance this year, Aquarius. On December 21st, we practically entered into The Age of Aquarius again, when Jupiter and Saturn met in your sign. Motorcycling will be your stress reliever as you release anxiety by hitting the pavement, but opt for less... impact. Cathartic movement isn't all its chalked up to be. You'll find that stretching before and after rides, steering around dips in the road and feeling comfortable during your ride will go a long way in building the pleasure and peace factor. 

Take care of your skin, too. Even in the winter you should wear sunscreen, and extra moisturizer on your hands, neck and face will be good preventive care as you weather the, well, weather, this year.


February 18 - March 20

Pisces, you may find that they need a consistent wellness routine for your mental and emotional health this year. Motorcycling might sometimes be the wind in your sails as you navigate your emotional terrain, but also remember that you deserve the time to break, ride and enjoy. Take a time out and plan your next motorcycle retreat. The one that feels like a true, therapeutic vacation. Set the date now, clear your plans, and in the meantime, focus on your self care. Ideally, you'll make 2021 the year of many, long distance rides. If you can, plan for more than just one riding vacation, and make stops for fresh produce if you're traveling through farm lands or by Sunday markets.  

To explore more of your horoscope, I suggest the sites and products of my favorite astrologists: Astro Twins, RoseologyQueer Cosmos and The Hood Witch.